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What's going on????
Posted: 26/04/2010 by kohimagirl

Hope someone arrives soon to sort this problem, how dare our site be hijacked by fake Gucci Bags. What is the world coming to.



Re: What's going on????
Posted: 26/04/2010 by TPGDarren

All done, they could've at least sold items with embroided tortoises on them:-)
Unfortunately it is very difficult to stop these opportunists:-(
Hope you're well


Re: What's going on????
Posted: 27/04/2010 by kohimagirl

Phew............back to normal thank goodness.

I'm fine thanks Darren, Annabel my spur thigh is not happy as there are no sugar snap peas at Tesco, taking a while to get them back after the 6 days no planes bringing food in.

But she is out in the garden enjoying the sunshine.

Take care



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