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shell pics
Posted: 30/03/2010 by winnie

Hi All,

I've managed to get some pics of Steve on (they've ended up in a new file called winnies tort), don't know how I've managed that but hope it's ok. I was wandering if some one could have a look at the ones of his shell if the pics are clear enough. I didn't think I had anything to worry about as the vet never mentioned any concerns when I got him but after looking at so many different pics of torts his shell doesn't look brill so now I'm beginning to wander if it is actually ok.

Many thanks, Winnie

Re: shell pics
Posted: 01/04/2010 by jack

the pics of steves enclosure is that in your house???????

Re: shell pics
Posted: 01/04/2010 by winnie

Yes it is. The first one we built him was just a big square box and because of this it took up a lot of room. I had dead space in the bay so before he came out of the fridge we took his old one apart and with a few pieces of wood we had left over we built his new one fitted into the bay. It took 2 days to do but well worth it as he seems to love it. The dining room is probably not the best of places to build a tort enclosure but it does me. It's away from the tv and it's nice and warm and quiet.

Re: shell pics
Posted: 01/04/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

It does look a bit grainy, is it flaking at all?
I'm not absolutely sure why there appears to be some damage in the centre of the scutes? (it could be the photo?)
The best way to maintain/repair the shell is to aim for a slow well suplemented growth. This way any vitamins will go into maintaining the shell, rather than new growth.

In the meantime I'll send a link to Kevin Eatwell to take a look, to see what he thinks


Re: shell pics
Posted: 01/04/2010 by winnie

Hi Darren,

Many thanks for taking a look at the pics. I'll try and describe as best I can. When I first got him yes the shell was a bit flakey but the flakes were not dropping off ,if that makes sense. The best way I can think of to describe it is, when your finger nails grow sometimes you get what I call layers that will sometimes chip off but this only seemed to happen in the centre of the scutes which look like they have sunken a little in the middle. Not a good description really, should of took better photos!. On the good side, his shell does seem to be better then what it was although still not brill I know. Hopefully Kevin can shed more light on Steves shadey shell.

Many Thanks, Winnie

Re: shell pics
Posted: 02/04/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

Are there any signs of discharge at all?

Re: shell pics
Posted: 02/04/2010 by winnie

Hi Darren,

No, no signs of any discharge or bleeding. I've applied a little preasure to his shell all over and he doesn't flinch at any time so I don't think he is feeling any pain either.



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