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Spring in the air
Posted: 14/03/2010 by insenceaddict

Hi all, had a lovely site to greet me this morning, several of my torts queuing up at the hatch waiting to go into thier garden, i opened the hatch and out they went and had breafast outside, was a lovely site! Moss, my rehomed horsfield has got his head around where to go to get out into the horsfield garden too. he is coming on lovely since hibernation, eats out of my hand now and loves to go into the garden.(Thanks Darren, we love him!)  i love it when Spring is on its way and alll the torts are enjoying some sunshine.Click and drag me down to the editor Jacqui

Re: Spring in the air
Posted: 14/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Glad to here he's doing well. Luck boy to have such a lovely home:-)

Not quite warm enough here yet - hopefully it won't be long though:-)
Just off to do some bathing



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