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Out of hibernation
Posted: 05/03/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Guys
Well after Molly's 13 wk hibernation, I took her out today.She lost a total of 43 gms over that time and has since put on 11 gms. She has had 2 baths and has been drinking but not eating, although she showed some interest, that was it. I took the day off so I could be with her all over the week-end,, I haven't done a thing today, apart from some ironing, inbetween peeping in to see what she was doing!!!!  She did take quite a while before she opened her eyes and I was getting a bit panicking (like you do) but they are fully open and look lovely and bright now. So far so good, she has gone to bed now, so hoping that tomorrow brings a big wee and lots of eating.

Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 05/03/2010 by cath

Click and drag me down to the editor sssssssssssssssooooo  pleased for you, I'm sure she'll find her appetite soon,my 2 are still in the fridge 13wks but its too cold still here  -3 last night thats in the greenhouse :-(  :-( , all the best xxx cath    

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 06/03/2010 by tortoise7

Thanks Cath
 I was a bit dubious about taking her out of the fridge on the 13th week, but that was the only Friday I could get off until Easter, and thought that would be too many weeks then. Just peeped at Molly and she is wide awake with her head stretched right out looking over at the lamp. Giving her just a few moments and then the bath routine for her and Keya begins, I am sooo pleased to see her. Will be thinking of you when your time comes
jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 06/03/2010 by tortoise7

Molly has drunk loads, and eaten lots, so one happy owner. Not been able to go to the wee yet though, so once she has done that I think we survived!!
Jane,Keya & Molly

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 06/03/2010 by cath

Click and drag me down to the editor Good news Welldone, xxx Cath 

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 08/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Pleased to hear you made it through hibernation OK Jane:-)

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 08/03/2010 by tortoise7

Thanks Guys
How long can it be before they have their first wee?, Molly is drinking, eating and walking around with attitude, but I can't see that she has wee'd, she has tried but nothing comes out? when should I get worried?
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 09/03/2010 by tortoise7


Typical Molly style, as soon as I mention something she has not done, she goes right ahead and does it, are they telepathic?
I was so pleased and relieved this morning,as everything has gone so well.My daughter has totally given up on me, especially as all this happens at breakfast times!!!!
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 09/03/2010 by VivTPG

Glad to hear all is ok Jane! 


Re: Out of hibernation
Posted: 09/03/2010 by tortoise7

Thanks Vivienne



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