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Holiday care
Posted: 05/03/2010 by HelenandBrian

Hi, I'm starting to get worred about my summer holidays! Are there any members who live on the Fylde between Preston and Lytham? Although friends have offered to keep an eye on Brian when I am away I would rather find a fellow tortoise keeper who would be prepared to visit Brian in exchange for me returning the favour if they go away. What do other people do when they go away?

Thanks, Helen

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 06/03/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Helen
This is quite a concern isn't it? Torts get very stressed with change so it is far better to leave them in their own environment, plus you really have to be careful of whom you entrust,  unless the person who looked after Brian  had a completely seperate run and housing for him, and was totally aware of cross infection if they owned torts themselves (This is a very rare situation) I really wouldn't take the risk! Myself I am fortunate that my daughter is living with me, but the down side is we have to take seperate holidays, and that won't always be the case, so I will have to think what I will  do. The only fool prove solution I can come up with, is, we have to find someone who would be willing to House/Tortie sit for the time we were away,  so I am looking for my ideal person to groom. Sorry couldn't offer any positive help, but hopefully you won't fall prey to those who offer holiday solutions at a terrible cost to you and your Brian.
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Holiday care
Posted: 08/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Helen,

We tend to go away in the winter (when they're in hibernation), somewhere warm and spend the summer in the UK. I know it sounds a bit extreme holidaying around the tortoises, but it's actually nice to catch a bit of sun in the winter when it's cold here.
Just a case of someone, usually my mum, coming around and wafting the fridge doors:-)

Hope someone comes forward


Re: Holiday care
Posted: 16/07/2011 by Beans

Hi, I'm new to this group; the proud "mum" of a spur-thighed-Damien-and a Hermanns-Sophie-for 25 years; absolutely besotted with Torts and Turtles.I came across this site whilst looking for holiday boarding in the East Yorkshire region for my babies-no luck so far, I wondered if the previous posters found anywhere for theirs.We normally only go away when the torts are hibernating, but I've won a 5 day holiday in Wales at the back end of September and would like to go, but don't have anyone suitable to house sit, and just can't think of a solution. My mum used to look after  them, but has had a stroke now, and can't help anymore.I had hoped "Holly House", a fab vets in Leeds that saved Sophie's life, would do boarding, but they don't. Anyone got any ideas?




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