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Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by tortoise7

Hi Folks

I will be collecting an adult hermanns this week-end (Molly) and I am undecided what is the best bedding to use. I know Hemp , Straw (apart from Meadow Hay)and Wood Chippings are out, but wondered what others have successfully used that is safe. I will be keeping her outdoors in a dry area, unless it gets really cold. I would be grateful for any advice. My babies substrates are OK, I have that one sorted, but I am venturing into new areas now with the adult and have read alot of different opinions on the adult bedding Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by tpgadmin

congratulations Jane.


You can't go far wrong with soil and sand for bedding.  Have you looked at the Hermanns care sheet in 'The Tortoise Section' you will get some good advice there?



Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by ElaineTPG

How exciting - a new arrival. If possible I would stick with a mix of playsand and organic topsoil 50/50 mix. Is Molly going into a greenhouse or a shed or do you have something else in mind.


And remember the pictures, Elaine

Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by tortoise7

Hi Helen & Elaine

Well it is a bit hard to explain, she will have the run of the whole garden as it has a 6 foot wall surrounding it and is completely safe for her. There will be a door leading into a brick built area with a lamp for her on bad days and over night. Inbetween this time Terry is building a mini conservatory/Lean-to  outside our back door, which will house Molly with a standard wooden house, her lamps and a built up mound for basking. There will be a door for her to go out into the garden when she wants. Probably better when it is finished I can post some pickies on the Gallery. I was wanting to put the bedding inside the little house area that she is going to sleep in, Does that make sense?



Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by ElaineTPG

Hi Jane, Yes it does sound like a pampered pets paradise! I think the sand/soil mix will be fine. Just raise the step going into the areas and that way you can get a good depth of substrate in there also if it is a little raised bit to get over when she comes out, saves her trailing all the substrate out with her .


ElaineClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by tortoise7

Hi Elaine

Thanks for the advice, seems the sand/soil is the best for them, so I shall stay with that.  I am going to have to make lots of slopes as Molly has had a hysterectomy (2 yrs ago) and the acrylic patch is still on the plastron.
 My daughter says we will be building a house in the garden for us so the torts can have ours!!!! 


Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by tpgadmin


Your daughter has it about right.  All your family and friends will start to think you mad soon, especially when you start growing weeds in your garden instead of pulling them up Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Bedding for adult hermanns
Posted: 19/08/2008 by tortoise7

That has happened already Helen

I have had my neighbour totally amused at me because I have been planting dandelions and Plantain in my Garden, she thinks it is so funny (in a nice way)



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