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Died in hibernation
Posted: 17/02/2010 by corinne

I am devastated. All my torts have died in hibernation. Two were oldies, the other 4 were about 4 years and fit/ well. They were in special fridge with stable temp, with-in individual boxes with appropriate substrate. Fridge was opened for air irculation regularly. Each had an acceptable jackson ratio a had been 'starved' & soaked as recommended. None have lost much weight, so I doubt they woke up and loads of energy etc. What could have gone wrong? CorinneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 17/02/2010 by cath

OMG sooo sorry to here this sad news, cant believe it, you must be devastated, wish I could give you a big hug xx


Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 18/02/2010 by tortoise7

Oh Corrine my heart goes out to you, I am so sorry to hear that!!  By what you have said you sound like you had everything under control. Personally if it was me and the torts did not have any complications before they went into hibernation, I would have a post mortem done on them to see what could have gone wrong. I just feel so sad for you, I wish I could give you hug too!!
Please let us know how you got on
Take care

Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 18/02/2010 by TPGDave


I'm so sorry to hear your terrible news. I wouldn't like to speculate on what might have caused this, it sounds like you were doing everything right. I had a small tortoise die early into hibernation last year and my mind was somewhat put at rest by having a post mortem done by my vet. I know it's a difficult thing to do but it may help explain what has happened.

Hope you're doing ok,


Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 18/02/2010 by Clairestortoise

Oohhh How sad! *Hugs to you* Hibernation scares me, I havent had to go through this as yet :(...Not sure I can now....So sorry to hear your sad news...

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 18/02/2010 by davesears

Just mailed this post to my wife at work - terrible news - our thoughts are with you.

Dave(& Cathy)

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 18/02/2010 by HelenandBrian


That is such very sad news, my heart goes out to you,

Helen x

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 18/02/2010 by jennyBA

OH that is terrible, so sorry for you it must be devastating.Click and drag me down to the editor

I was going to hibernate mine next year but having second thoughts now.


Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 19/02/2010 by Bindi

I would like to say how terribly sorry I am that this has happened to you.  I cannot imagine how you must be feeling.  As Dave has said, perhaps a post mortem may be able to help you make some sense of what has happened.

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 23/02/2010 by HelenandBrian

Hi Corrine

How are you coping?  Have you managed to find any clues as to what happened? My thoughts are still with you. I have only had my tortoise for 6 months but know I would be devastated if anything happened to him. I've lost cats and dogs in the past and it is so painful so to lose so many at the same time must be just awful.

Take care, Helen

Re: Died in hibernation
Posted: 13/03/2010 by janiels


I have just read your post and am so, so sorry.

Am sending you a hug and just wanted you to know I am thinking of you.

JanieClick and drag me down to the editor


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