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advise please
Posted: 16/02/2010 by winnie

Hi all, was wandering if someone could give me some advise please. Due to an emergency I had to leave Queenie in the fridge longer then was planned (2 wks longer) but all the health checks and weigh ins said she was doing ok. Queenie came out of the fridge this morning. I left her in her box for the first two hours to warm up at room temp then, once she was awake I placed her in her new pen but not right under the lamp. She has had her warm bath for 20 mins, I reweighed her after her bath and she had put on an extra gram but she hasn't passed any urates. Should I bathe her again later. She seems to have warmed up nicely now but is refusing to eat, I've tried to check inside her mouth put she was triing to pull her head in so much I was worried I would hurt her so I left it. Her nose is clear and she's had a walk around her pen and now she's doing a spot of basking. What do I do next and when should  she start eating?

Re: advise please
Posted: 16/02/2010 by winnie

Hi again, just thought I'd let you know that Queenie has had another bath and has now eaten a little but she's still not parting with those urates. How long can they go without passing any. I've heard that if they are very dehydrated they won't pass any pee until they're fully rehydrated, is this right?

Re: advise please
Posted: 16/02/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Winnie,

She sounds just fine and i wouldnt worry :-) just make sure you bath her regularly, remember they dont pass urates with every wee.



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