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am new to this
Posted: 05/02/2010 by jack

hi all

can anyone help we have two horsefields what age do they need to be before i can put them out side ??????

cheers all

Re: am new to this
Posted: 05/02/2010 by janicepalmer

My horsefields went out as soon as the temperatures allowed and they loved it. They are adventurous as a breed. Mine were about  a year old when they experienced the outside world.

Re: am new to this
Posted: 05/02/2010 by TPGDarren

As soon as it's warm enough they should go outside. Protect from birds and other predators when small and ensure they cannot dig under the boundary of any outdoor enclosure


Re: am new to this
Posted: 05/02/2010 by jack

hi darren

I have a good area in the garden which am going to build enclosure for them it has a concrete base already there so am going to but about 6" of top soil down with a area of slate chippings etc .So in the summer mouths i can put them out do they sleep out there aswell then as they are only about 2-3 years old ????????.I have just put another post on saying that i am new to this an i keep them in a viv an as i have been reading on this site it looks like i shouldnt be doing so .But i have a problem i have no were to keep a table as the viv sits nice in the room my wife wouldnt be happy if i put a table of 6ft in the house .WHAT CAN I DO ???????

Re: am new to this
Posted: 06/02/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Jack,

Just responded to your other post re the viv but just to say some keepers (me included) keep their tortoises outside 24/7 when the weather is warm enough. Others bring them into the house or a secure shed overnight. Both have merits, if your enclosure is secure from predators and theft, the tortoises will be fine outside.


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