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boys or girls
Posted: 04/02/2010 by nutsmum

Hi All

Any idea`s what sex my nuts Click and drag me down to the editor are.

I know they are still abit young but any guesses


Re: boys or girls
Posted: 04/02/2010 by nutsmum

1st one is Conker

2nd       is Walnut

3rd        is Peanut



Re: boys or girls
Posted: 04/02/2010 by TPGDave


I'm not great at this, and worse with Gracea, but by the way the anal scutes are shaping up I'm going Male, Male, Female. So probably the opposite is true.Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: boys or girls
Posted: 04/02/2010 by TPGDave

Actually number 1 could be a female now I had another look, so number 1 is definetely a male or a female.  :)

Re: boys or girls
Posted: 04/02/2010 by davesears

How old are they?

I had a similar problem with my two Hermanns of sexing them. I was told by the breeder 2 years ago that because of the temperature of the hatching there was a good chance I would get a male and female. Well now with my limited knowledge pretty certain I have 2 males because they get so worked up sometimes I have to seperate them. Once they are out of hibernation I will post some pics.

I hope to get some females but so difficult to get older ones that have been sexed. And if I buy younger hatchlings could end up with more females.

Dave & Cathy

Re: boys or girls
Posted: 04/02/2010 by davesears

should point out my 2 was hatched in 2006 & 2007 from the same breeder

Re: boys or girls
Posted: 05/02/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Debbie,

It can be quite difficult to be 100% until they reach a certain size:-)

How heavy are they please?


Re: boys or girls
Posted: 05/02/2010 by ben123

The one on the right and middle look like boys, and the one on the left looks like a girl, but cannot be 100%


Re: boys or girls
Posted: 05/02/2010 by bentaylor

could you post some more pics of the back of the shell an the underside by head if poss an what age are they ???? looking at them pics i dont think you can tell sorry


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