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welcome back This & That
Posted: 30/01/2010 by donnafj

We have just taken our two 3 year old hermans (This & That) out of hibernation (which was their first )and pleased to say that they both seem fine. that said we have bathed them and they didnt seem to drink any water could anyone advise us on how long they should take to drink or are we just worrying for no reason


many thanks


donna & paul

southend on sea essex


Re: welcome back This & That
Posted: 31/01/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Donna Paul
It is my understanding that you need to get them drinking asap the eating can come later. When you have them in the bath take a handful of water above them and pour it over the nose area, you should find that they will raise their heads up towards the water, it may just encourage them to get a drink. The other idea could be to get them to eat some cucumber to get the moisture out
Hope this helps until the TPG come on air
Good luck

Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: welcome back This & That
Posted: 02/02/2010 by TPGDave

Hi there,

I agree with Jane, keep up the bathing, twice a day if you can stretch to it. You may not notice that they are drinknig (they're crafty). One good way is to weigh them before and after their bath, you might be suprised at the increase! 

I've been recommending the use of a product called reptiboost for bathing tortoises pre and post hibernation. I've been doing a bit of research and the ingredients of reptiboost closely replicate the glucose like substances that a tortoises body releases post hibernation and apparently kick starts feeding. 

I've used it with the one tortoise I've woken so far and he ate within an hour of waking and bathing. Not saying this is because of the Reptiboost but I think its a good inclusion based on what I've read.


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