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Posted: 22/01/2010 by sherri

hiya my 10 years old has been in the fridge now 15 week is 20 week they can stay asleep for ?

Re: sleeping
Posted: 22/01/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Sherri,

Have you checked and weighed your tortoise during its hibernation? 20 weeks is 5 months so i take it your tort has been in fridge since Sept? This does sound like a long time to me.


Re: sleeping
Posted: 22/01/2010 by tpgAli

My apologies, ive just re-read your post and see you put 15 weeks Click and drag me down to the editor i'd say that is long enough.


Re: sleeping
Posted: 23/01/2010 by sherri

thank god for that  i be glad too have him up   i think he done very well 15 weeks   i get up over the weekend then

Re: sleeping
Posted: 23/01/2010 by TPGDarren

Well Done Sherri:-)

Is he up yet?:-)

Re: sleeping
Posted: 24/01/2010 by marilyn

Hi Sherri,  Glad to hear you 're waking the big boy up !!!    It's been a long time hasn't it...   Lil Toto is getting on very well now.  love Marilyn. x

Re: sleeping
Posted: 24/01/2010 by sherri

hiya  yeah i be glad too have him up  i am waking tomz  as he new tortoise table come tomz so i thought i wait  till then as he old one a little bit small now    and have a little bit of a  change about last year  i had     daisy  charlie and  goeorge  in a big tortoise table  together but this year things  have change   as charlie going in by him self as  i think he like better    as he the older and   there all be  together outside  anyway  and my 3 other  have a new table too  floor table so i sure  justin  sam and lumpy love it just got wait for them all too be wake now.   but tomz is the big day  for charlie to be up woo hoo!

Re: sleeping
Posted: 28/01/2010 by sherri

he a wake bathed  and eating now   woke up tuesday in the end

Re: sleeping
Posted: 28/01/2010 by tpgAli

Glad to hear he is doing well Click and drag me down to the editor



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