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Unwell George
Posted: 19/01/2010 by Mitchel8

Ihave just woken my tortoise George up from his first hibernation.  I was advised by the breeder to leave him for only 8 weeks maximum.  He appears very sluggish, has only eaten a few dandelions and I have not seen him drink anything yet.  My main concern is that he has on occasions a runny nose and appears to sneeze.  I have given him a daily bath, and in my opinion doesn't appear particularly dehydrated, I am also not sure whether he has passed faeces yet.  I am really quite concerned and am thinking of a visit to a vet, any advises would be very welcome,  Thanks Joan concerned new owner

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 19/01/2010 by tpgarlene

Hi Joan

WElcome to the forum.

Can you let us know what sort of tortoise George is, and how he is being housed, also what lighting you are using, and what the temperatures are in the enclosure?  Tortoises are totally reliant on their environment to control their body temperature, and it is particularly important that the temps are right when they come out of hibernation to 'get them going' again.  Has he passed any urine yet, and can you also let us know what sort of substrate he is on?


Arlene TPG

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 21/01/2010 by Mitchel8

Hi Arlene I am really worried about George and have booked an appointment at a specialist reptile vets tomorrow.  George is an eight year old horsfield tortoise.  He was hibernated in a clear view box with sand and soil and a smaller box with polystyrene pieces in it, I monitored his well being every day and the outside temp, he seemed to be fine, acting on the breeders instructions I woke him up after the eight weeks, gradually warmed him up, and probably stupidly put him back in his old indoor enclosure.  This is a white wooden box like thing. with paper and woodchips in three quarters of it and soil and sand in the bedroom compartment.  I have two lamps on during the day one 60 watt lamp for heat and a uv lamp bought from the local reptile store.  I read so much literature etc before hibernating him I feel really guilty about his sorry state, I really love the little man and want him back to his former escape driven self.  I followed all the bathing and rehydration advise given.  I know I must of done something wrong though   Joan

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 21/01/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Joan,

Please dont blame yourself. Horsfields are hardy little torts and im sure he will come right after visisting the vet. An occasional runny nose doesnt automatically mean he has anything seriously wrong with him, this could be stress related and some torts do suffer stress after hibernation. The best substrate for him is a mixture of dry play sand and soil as this is the most natural substrate for them. Horsfields hate baths, ive kept them for over 20 years and i havent come across any that like being bathed :-)

Good luck at the vets and please keep us updated.


Re: Unwell George
Posted: 22/01/2010 by Mitchel8

Hi Ali have just returned from the vets.  Feeling a lot better, My main problem is that George's indoor environment is too cold for him 60watt bulb is not enough plus the occasionally central heating.  The runny nose is just viral he thinks and as soon as his immune system kicks in (when he's warm) he will improve.  I have been a brought a 250watt infrared bulb used for tortoises chicks etc. so am waiting for my husband to fix it safely.  I was advised to keep note of  the temperature in his box and will now do this.  At the moment he is in front of the gas fire, with the central heating on following a nice warm bath.  My husband is going to love our heating bills. Thanks for your words of encouragement, I will let you know how he gets on.

Regards Joan

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 22/01/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Joan,

Good to hear George has nothing serious :-) I occasionally get one that wakes with a slightly damp/runny nose but it soon clears up.

Look forward to hearing how things are going


Re: Unwell George
Posted: 25/01/2010 by Mitchel8

Things improving slightly with George.  He is definitely more active, still not interested in food, and I don't think he has passed urine or faeces yet.  I am going to monitor tomorrow by putting him on newspaper only. Will keep you posted   Joan

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 25/01/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Joan,

Good to hear George is improving. Are you giving him warm baths daily? This will help any bowel and bladder movements :-)

Make sure he is kept slightly warmer to help encourage eating, have you got your light fixed yet?


Re: Unwell George
Posted: 31/01/2010 by Mitchel8

Hi Ali nobody told me having a tortoise was worse than having a child.  George is still causing me concern (and money) he is still not eating or dring, has been to the vets twice, has had a feeding tube inserted and an injection of antibiotics.  He is returning tomorrow as he is still wheezy, not eating etc.  Now he will be hospitalised so the can feed him regularly, after this I am going to invest in pet insurance, and will be scared silly to ever hibernate him again.  Fingers crossed he comes back to me his old self.  He is definitely more active though now he is warmer.  Will keep you informed of the now long running saga  Take care  Joan

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 01/02/2010 by tpgarlene

Hi Joan

Sorry to hear that George is still unwell, I know what a worry it isClick and drag me down to the editor  Keeping everything crossed that he is soon back and fighting fit - russians are hardly little tortoises.  Please keep us posted,


Arlene TPG

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 10/02/2010 by Mitchel8

Hi Arlene Just to let you know George has just spent 6 days in the vets (I think he thought it was butlins) they weighed, fed, dosed him with antibiotics, and eventually he regained kidney function and passed faeces.  He is still reluctant to eat much but I have just spied him eating some peas, so I am delighted, anyway heres to a full recovery.  I bought him a girlfriend while he was in hibernation lets hope he shows some interest when he is fully fit.  Nice communicating with you.  On a point of interest how many tortoise do you have?

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 10/02/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Joan, glad to hear George is on the mend.  Keep bathing him, to keep him hydrated.

Is your new tort a horsfield too?  Dont forget you must quarantine her, especially as George has been unwell, you dont want him catching anything or her for that matter!Click and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor

Regards Vivienne

Re: Unwell George
Posted: 23/02/2010 by Mitchel8

Hi, George is on the mend now, eating and drinking (when I bathe him). Have just put them together now, she is a Horsfield as well, didn't hibernate her so she has plenty of energy, Scouring the frozen fields for dandelions for him which he loves, have just found two dandelion flowers which he scoffed in seconds, also loves peas, have learnt by my mistakes, they are both due at the vets in two weeks time for worming, apparently this should be done before hibernation.  Vet seems very good  any way thanks for your advise take care Joan


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