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where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by angel

where's best to put the heat lamp alot have it in the middle of the enclosure we have it at one end and are now thinking of putting it in the middle so there's even heat distributed all over the cage nutter obviously doesnt like the cooler end as he'll never go over there so maybe it'll be alittle better for him if the heat lamp was put in the centre to make him happier and able to use the whole of the cage rather than just the top side because it's warmer

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Hello Angel, I have mine lamp on the right end, this way the other end is the cooler end. There needs to be a cooler end for Torts, somewhere for them to goto when its getting bit to warm for them... HTH...what temperature you got under the lamp? Im sure someone else who knows more will come along and comment and help you out :)

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by angel

the temps at both ends are the recommended temps on the site so both ends are suitable temp wise for him bt he refuses to go to the cooler end of the cage he only strays just far enough away to not actually be that far away from the lamp, he stays very close and i thought that maybe he would benefit more by having the lamp placed in the centre as so many others seems to have hes not useing the cooler side at any time so is confined (by his own chioce of course) to one area the idea is if he likes to be kept warm as he clearly does with not venturing to the cool side then he would be happier with one maintaned temp across the cage it would exactly be hot at all ends just warmer over the overall cage.



p.s what is HTH? im not the brightest bulb in the houshold lol

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Angel,

HTH means 'hope this helps'

As Claire says it is best to have it more towards one end and to have the UV in the same end, so then while he is basking he will be getting UV as well.

To put it in the middle gives him less space to be able to get away from the heat.  I know you say that he stays under the heat but that maybe because he has been kept in a viv and only knows that, as time goes on he will learn to bask properly and move to the edges of the heat as he is beginning to do now.

Regards Vivienne

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Hi, Im sure he/she needs to settle and realise he/she actually has more space than before. My Teddy didnt really venture about to start with, she just needed time to adjust and then she had a wander about and explore her new home :) They do need a "cooler" area so they can cool down after being under the high heat for such a long time. do you have a bushy plant? My teddy loves this..she hides in it and tries to climb up the leaves, it is plastic...also an old small plant pot on its side with some soil in for a hidey hole they love too. I think the trick is to make it look interesting for them lol...

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Also you may find it helpful if you see in the members gallery for pics of other setups, This is what I did looked about at other setups for tips and ideas! I found this very helpful!

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by angel

we have looked at loads and loads of different enclosures (not vivs) and alot put the heat lamp in the centre with the uv light set in the side so it shines all round the cage/enclosure i guess we are just trying to do whats best for him and make sure hes happy with us we wouldnt want him to be unhappy or get ill from somethiing we have done wrong i think its muchbetter to have more than 1 or 2 opinions to help with decision making when it comes to someone that cant speak so to speak for them selfs

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

This is it, Getting ideas from others is so helpful..Its also knowing the right thing to do for the best. How big is your enclosure? IF its a small one and you have the lamps,uv strip in the middle I dont think there will be a cooler area for litte one to escape to. Its upto you of course, but a cooler area must be provided. Tortoise have to Thermoregulate...As they are cold blooded we need to provide the "Hot area and the " cooler area"... Another place you can get great info is SW, I get loads from there too :)...

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by angel

the cage is 3 foot so its plenty big enough for him hes a migit at the mo so must feel like a mansion him from being in a small viv previously but hes our little migit hes so cute hehehehe

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by angel

sorry what is sw?

Re: where's best?
Posted: 16/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

lol, yeah..Its all new to him...Im sure with time he'll be charging around!..Have you tried placing food in different areas to encourage him out and about:) That may get him out of the sun for some time hehe...gotta be sneaky!! Sorry..Its Shelled Warriors..Theres a website, Great!! They sell Tortoise stuff and there's a forum..Lots of members from here too :) Theres lots of info there too...


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