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They're up they're up!!
Posted: 01/01/2010 by Row

Happy new Year everyone!

Well to day was wake up day for Tetley and Twiglet so after not going to bed untill 4.00 this morning I was up 3 and half hours later getting T n T out the fridge,  feeling very very fagile!  Such an irresponsible tort mummy!!!

They have had their bath and both have eaten but only a small amount as that is all that i could gather this morning during the blizzrad of snow we had.  Not great a hang over cure!

They are now just basking under their lamp I'm off to curl up under my duvet adn hibernate for a couple of hours!!!!!

Such a relief to see them alert (unlike me!) and wide eyed the house justn't wasn't the same with out them.

Thaks again for help and adb=vise you have given Row T nT xxxx

Re: They're up they're up!!
Posted: 01/01/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Row
That is brilliant news, and they sound like they are doing everything they should be doing. Glad you have your friends back, I have still got lots of weeks to go before I see my Molly!! Keya will be next year as well so I guess I will be feeling like you was, abit lost without them.
Hope you feel better tomorrow
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: They're up they're up!!
Posted: 02/01/2010 by Row

Hi Jane,

Next year I'm going to try and put them down later to avoid this cold weather as I'm having to use mixed sald for food bulked out buy the odd weeds I find.

I'm sure the weeks will fly by for Molly.

Row T n T x

Re: They're up they're up!!
Posted: 02/01/2010 by TPGDarren

Congratulations Row:-)

Re: They're up they're up!!
Posted: 02/01/2010 by Row

Couldn't have done it without all your help.



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