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Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 10/12/2009 by Row

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to say that I'm now half way through my 1st hibernation,  Woo Hoo!  Only 4 weeks to go and then I can get the troublsome twosome up.  Can't wait.  Really  am missing  them, more than I thought.  I actually have lunch times to myself now rather than bathing, feeding, weighing and watching!!! 

After a nerve racking start all seems to have settled and Tetley has finaly got his eyes closed.  I'm feeling loads more relaxed now which is a relief although I tend to wake up in the middle of night wondering what the temp in the fridge is so I now take the thermometer to bed Click and drag me down to the editor I'm sure I'm loosing sense of reality but who cares!!!!!!!!

Only problem is I hate waiting for their weekly check it seems to take FOREVER to come around.  I had a sneaky check today with them being so quiet and of course they are fine...... Is this OK??????

Hope everyone elses hibernation is going well?

Love Row, Tetley n Twiglet


Re: Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 10/12/2009 by VivTPG

Well done Row  Click and drag me down to the editor       you are doing a great job!!

VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 10/12/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Row

Congratulations, you had a shaky start but you stayed with it. I guess we can say that you are officially experienced in hibernation!!!!

This is coming up to Molly's first week of hibernation. Like you I keep checking the temps, I even pop in when I wake up in the early hours of morning just to make sure everything is OK  Click and drag me down to the editor Miss her loads.
I not going to hibernate Keya this year as her weights will not stay very stable and also she keeps getting gritty urates, can't for the life of me see how everything is spot on, she seems to do this when she is indoors.
Glad things are going good for you
Jane H

Re: Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 11/12/2009 by Dave K

Good on you Row Click and drag me down to the editor  I havent even started my hibernations yet but the Hermanns are just starting to slow down with the colder nights and I've decided to give the little Horsfields the fridge treatment cause they're so ready to go.

Re: Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 11/12/2009 by TPGDarren

Well done Row:-)

My lot have been away for a while now - off on our hols on Friday without any tortoise worries:-)


Re: Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 11/12/2009 by Row

Thanks everyone!  Really hope you all have a good xmas and Darren enjoy your hols!

Re: Nearly half way through!!!
Posted: 11/12/2009 by TPGDarren

Thanks Row - we'll give it our best shot:-)


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