You're in > TPG Members Forum > Diet > Bergamot?

Posted: 12/06/2008 by fritzsupernova

Hi -

New owner of two hatchings --

Can tortoises eat/do they like bergamot? We seem to have a good amount of it in our garden - have been keeping them away, but, looking for things out there to vary their diet which is currently clover, bindweed, grass and grape leaves...I've offered them chive and watercress which are also out there but they marched off in a huff...

Re: Bergamot?
Posted: 12/06/2008 by tpgNina


Bergamot (monardia didyma) is, from what I can see, safe, but I'm checking further and will get back to you. Plants for a Future Database notes that it has anthelmintic properties (which means it can help to expel parasitic worms from the body), so it might even be useful. But let me check further and get back to you.
Regarding the other foods you list - only feed bindweed in small quantities, grape leaves are fine, clover is OK, and depending on the species of tortoise you have they will or won't eat grass. Try looking for more weeds: dandelion, sowthistle, and plantain are great favourites, as are flowers - pansies, lavatera, campanula.


Re: Bergamot?
Posted: 12/06/2008 by tpgNina

Hi again,

I've checked on the Tortoise Nutrition forum, and the view is that bergamot is almost certainly safe for tortoises, but it is thought that it might have a strong flavour and therefore not be attractive to a tortoise, so you'll just have to try and see. Most tortoise are said not to like herbs because of the strong flavour, but I put a little rosemary bush in my tortoise enclosure last year, and she scoffed it down straight away .


Re: Bergamot?
Posted: 16/06/2008 by fritzsupernova

Thanks very much. I'm still looking for other things out there they will enjoy - I appreciate the recommendations - no other fantastic weeds at present though surely they will crop up --

Best, susan


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