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To bath or not to bath
Posted: 02/12/2009 by tortoise7

Me again and still harping on about bath's!!!  Molly (Adult) had a bath Monday she is now nearly into hibernation state and I was planning to put her in the fridge on Sunday. Following instructions for the wind down it says to give the last bath 2 days before the final cool down. My question is, is it really necessary as I feel that I am not letting Molly go with cool down if I drag her out of her box and give her another bath, what do you think I should do?Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: To bath or not to bath
Posted: 02/12/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

Has Molly had lots of baths during her wind down? If so and providing she is fully "cleared" out then id say it would be ok not to bath her again before you put her in, it is always advisible not to bath them the day of hibernation as you need to make sure they are properly dry before they go down.


Re: To bath or not to bath
Posted: 03/12/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Ali
Sorry I am such a pain, I have been whitling about baths since last week, and it has increased since Tuesday!!! Molly has had baths everyday up until Monday, so she should be well hydrated. The other thing I thought about was that I could put  her in the fridge earlier, I supose it doesn't have to be Sunday?


Re: To bath or not to bath
Posted: 03/12/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

If she's wound down OK - there is nothing to stop you placing her in the fridge earlier:-)
What are the temps where she is now Jane?


Re: To bath or not to bath
Posted: 05/12/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Darren
Sorry just picked up your post.. I was very lucky to bring her temps down as from Monday  8,6,5, and then that was when I decided to go for it and put her in the fridge on Thursday evening, it just seemed the right time to do it. That also meant she had her bath 2 days before, which was on the agenda. Abit scary isn't it? although it felt more comfortable this year then last year, so perhaps next year will be even less stressfulClick and drag me down to the editor I really hope things go well this year and we can have a successful hibernation, with Molly coming out all refreshed and ready to go.
How is your hibernation going?


Re: To bath or not to bath
Posted: 07/12/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

Thank You for asking:-)
Hibernation is going well here. We've had the same hibernation set-up for around 8 years and leave the fridge running all year round, so don't have to worry about setting it up each year. Glad to hear you're more relaxed about it all this year - it really does get easier:-). We're due to get our juveniles up next month, but are lucky enough to have a few babies here that hatched this year to keep us going:-)



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