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Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 28/11/2009 by Row


After panic of Twiglet escaping in the fridge (thank god she didn't get to the salad draw!) all seems  to have settle down the temps are now ranging from 3.5 to 7.2 which I am happy with and I have decided to carry on with the hibernation as long as this weeks check went well.

I've weighed them today and done genral checks all seem to be fine as neither have lost any weight, noses are clear reflexes good. Phew!

However, (here it come) Troublesome Tetley still has his eyes open??? Can they hibernate with them open? I find it a little un-nerving to be honest!!!!!!!! Or is it that he's still settling in???

You all really have been fantastic and I feel I must sometimes anoy you with all my posts!!! But it is just so nice to have the reassurance and expert advise from you. Can't thank you enough.

Row x


Re: Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 28/11/2009 by tpgarlene

Ho Row

Please dont worry about asking questions - it is never a problem, and hibernation can be a worrying time for all tortoise keepers :)

Your fridge temps sounds ideal, so I think Tetley is just taking a little longer to settle down - my Millie is the same, hates to think she is missing anything I reckon!

Just keep an eye on the temps and on Tetley, and Im sure he will be in full eye-shut hibernation before long <g>

all the best

Arlene TPG

Re: Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 28/11/2009 by kirkie

Hi Row,

I've had tortoises with their eyes open whilst in the fridge, it can be a bit unnerving!    I think its important to understand that a reptiles hibernation isn't like a mammal. The tortoises aren't really asleep. All the functions are shut down to a minimum, it doesn't need to maintain "warm blood" like a mammal so doesn't burn much energy (which is why weight loss is minor for an animal hibernating for as long as a tortoise does). The closest comparison I can think of is the tortoise is on "stand by" awaiting the return of conditions at which it can function normally.

I would be concerned about the tortoises eyes being open if the temperatures were 0c or below but above freezing I'd think it would be ok. In addition they do have a third eyelid, a membrame that offers additional protection to the eye, it may be this membrane is closed over the eye.


Re: Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 28/11/2009 by Row

Thanks guys!!! Yep I think my Tetley is the same doesn't want to miss out!  I was reassured by no weight loss from either and so glad temps have settled only another 6 weeks to go!!!!!!

Row xx

Re: Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 30/11/2023 by Burtoni


We are hibernating our tortoise for the first time and in the past 3 days he has had one eye open and one closed. Is this normal and ok? All other checks are fine. We’ve weighed him once and loaf minimal weight. 
Any advise would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Chloe

Re: Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 30/11/2023 by Burtoni


We are hibernating our tortoise for the first time and in the past 3 days he has had one eye open and one closed. Is this normal and ok? All other checks are fine. We’ve weighed him once and loaf minimal weight. 
Any advise would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Chloe

Re: Eye's open whilst hibernating?
Posted: 30/11/2023 by Burtoni


We are hibernating our tortoise for the first time and in the past 3 days he has had one eye open and one closed. Is this normal and ok? All other checks are fine. We’ve weighed him once and loaf minimal weight. 
Any advise would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Chloe


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