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Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 24/11/2009 by Row


Yes it's me again.

Need dome help. The temp in the fridge suddenly rose last night to 8c!!!!! Not sure why but now I'm concerned about Tetlet and Twiglet.

Is this really bed? Should I continue with their hiber nation.



Re: Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 24/11/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Row

A temp rise to 8C is a little warmer than ideal, but it is still under the 10C level, so they will be fine, dont worry.   Had you opened the door to check them or anything - is the fridge relatively new? Monitor the temps over the next few days, and hopefully they will settle down again closer to the ideal of 5C


Arlene TPG

Re: Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 24/11/2009 by kirkie

Hi Row,

Is Tetley in his own fridge or your regular fridge? If its a fridge solely for hibernation pack it out with bottles of water. This really helps to to stabalise the temperatures I find.


Re: Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 24/11/2009 by kirkie

Should of added to cool bottles of water in your nomal fridge first if adding them to a fridge with a hibernating tortoise in. This will stop any adverse effects on the temperature in the hibernation fridge from room temperature water being added.

Re: Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 24/11/2009 by Row


Thanks for replies.  No it's not a new fridge and have been monitoring since end of July.  Have turned the stat down and got down to 5.5c this lunch time, just got home and now reading 8.8c!!!! 

It is our normal fridge but we have 2, one for every day use items and beer (lol) and the other is where Tetley and Twiglet both are and other jars and sauces....  I have turned the stat down again just a smidgen and will monitor it again.

Really don't know why it's doing this I have been opening the door once a day to get fresh air in but this has normally only altered temp by 2 degrees. 

Should I abought the hibernation????



Re: Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 26/11/2009 by BabsUk

umm my fridge is between 4.8c at the bottem and 7.4 at the top? is this ok?

i have two torts in there one at bottom and one at top; they resurfaced from hibernation due to high temps outside?

Re: Temp in Fridge got to 8c
Posted: 26/11/2009 by VivTPG

Yes, try adding some bottles of cold water to the fridge to even the temps out, dont leave the door open too long as temp will be even higher!

VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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