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Weed? Safe?
Posted: 19/11/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hi I would like identification on this one please, Hope it's identifiable :)

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 19/11/2009 by kirkie


That is a Sowthistle, good Tortoise food, very safe. :)


Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 20/11/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hi Thanks..I have another that needs identifying :) Thanks in advance :)

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 20/11/2009 by Clairestortoise

Is this one Dandelion?

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 20/11/2009 by Clairestortoise

This is Cosmos, my mum grew from seed. Not sure if its perennial. Is it safe? leaves and flowers too? :)

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 20/11/2009 by tpgarlene


Im not brilliant with names, but this looks like one of the buttercup family, so personally I would avoid it

Arlene TPG

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 20/11/2009 by kirkie


The middle one is Groundsel which is part of the Ragwort family so I dont feed it (my tortoises ignore if it they come across it which is always a good guide to suitability). Cosmo's I'm not sure about, I'll try and find out.

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 21/11/2009 by kirkie

Hi again,

I cant find any information relating to the suitability of Cosmos as a tortoise food (and I've really looked!) so I'd leave them out unless someone can confirm otherwise.

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 21/11/2009 by VivTPG

Hi, Cosmos is a member of the Asteraceae (aster) family it shouldn't harm, so probably should only be fed in moderation, says it is not toxic.

Regards Vivienne Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 22/11/2009 by Clairestortoise


Thanks for your replies :) Great help! I wanted to ask about the one with the 5 leaves and red stem? This one does have little flowers if I leave it long enough. I'd like to know what its called. Thanks claire

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 22/11/2009 by Clairestortoise

Second pic down from the top

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 22/11/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Claire

Thats the one that looks like one of the buttercup family (ranunculus) - avoid feeding :)

Arlene TPG

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 05/12/2009 by kerryjcarl

Third pic from the top is not a dandelion :)

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 06/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

Thanks Kerry, I didnt think so...Any ideas what it is and is it safe?

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 06/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

Is there a Weed database online that I can go to, to check against my weeds in my garden.

Thank you

Re: Weed? Safe?
Posted: 06/12/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi, yes have a look at this lovely new website:-


Arlene TPG


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