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What to do???
Posted: 19/11/2009 by Row

Hi guys,

Hope you don't mind yet another post but I'm freaking out!

I just checked on Tetley and he's STILL awake.  What do I do? Temps of fridge are from 3 to 5c and he's been in the fridge since Sunday. I read on here that horsefields are harder to settle but is there anymore I can do?

He's in clear container would blacking this out help him settle?

I don't want to think of him being stressed out.

I'm sorry for all my posts just want Tetley to be ok........



Re: What to do???
Posted: 19/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Row,

Have you got him in a sand/soil substrate in the fridge as this is the best for them to hibernate in? Yes horsfields are harder to settle and he may take a week or so to settle properly as they need lower temps. Stick with it cos he should settle eventually.


Re: What to do???
Posted: 19/11/2009 by Row


Yes he's in top soil.

Thanks will keep perservering!


Re: What to do???
Posted: 19/11/2009 by kirkie

Hi Row,

Not much to add but just wanted to say good luck! Its a nervy time , the tortoises are probably the least concerned of us all, at least they get to sleep through it. There's always people on hand to help. Hope Tetley settles for you soon.

Re: What to do???
Posted: 20/11/2009 by shazzler

Hi Row,  I have a horsfield (twiglet) and he took a while to settle last year sometimes freaking me out when i checked on him because hed be sat there staring at me, but in the end he just did what came natural to him and although it was  a very worrying time for me he snoozed away quite happily even turning about in his tub every now and then ( in his fridge ).

I think we worry more than the torts Click and drag me down to the editor but with the help of the people on here i learnt that preparation and perseverence are the keys  to a happy hibernation. good luck with everything and im sure you and your tort will be fine

shazzler xxx

Re: What to do???
Posted: 20/11/2009 by Row

Thanks to all need the support at the mo!

And Shazzler my other horsfield is called Twiglet too!!!




Re: What to do???
Posted: 20/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Row,

This really is a worrying time and i know exactly what you are going through as i was the same but it does get easier honest :-) Horsfields are the absolute worst when it comes to settling down but they do eventually. Try to open the door once a day only and make it late evening.



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