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Still no poo's
Posted: 19/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi guys

Molly is coming in to the end of her third week and still I have seen any poo's she cannot do it without me finding the evidence unless she is eating it? what do you suggest

Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 19/11/2009 by tortoise7

I was refering to her winddown- Sorry Click and drag me down to the editor



Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 19/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

Are you giving her lots of warm baths?


Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 19/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Ali
Yes she is in the bath for about 20-30 mins each morning and I have her house temps at 20c. I have let her walk around the house to see if that would get things moving, but nothing.  Molly's reactions are slower but she is very alert still. Not sure what to do if she hasn't been by this week-end as she will be going in to her 4th winddown wk, any ideas?

Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 19/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Ali
Yes she is in the bath for about 20-30 mins each morning and I have her house temps at 20c. I have let her walk around the house to see if that would get things moving, but nothing.  Molly's reactions are slower but she is very alert still. Not sure what to do if she hasn't been by this week-end as she will be going in to her 4th winddown wk, any ideas?

Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 20/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

Not sure what to suggest really. How much was she eating before wind down, was she eating alot less as some slow down eating on their own? If this is the case then she may of emptied herself before you started wind down.


Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 20/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Ali
She was eating quite alot, went to the poo once after winddown and that is all she has done, I was expecting to see her go at least once more but nothing. I am in quite a dilemna what to do, as I dont like trying to keep her going whilst having no food in case she starts to use up her fat energy. The only logical thinking I can do is that it takes roughly 3 wks for the food to digest so maybe she might go in the next day or two, if not I am seriously considering taking her for an x-ray to see if there is any food still in the gut? it is a shame that this has occured as I have been quite relaxed about the hibernation, I still am but didn't expect this happen!!!
Any suggestions from anyone will be gratefully received
Jane Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 20/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

Please dont worry.  Carry on with the baths but maybe make them a little warmer and pour warm water over her rear end. If she doesnt poo before hibernation then its not a big deal, they can sometimes pass the odd poo, its the passing of urates during hibernation that can cause problems. My quess is if she hasnt poo'ed by now then she emptied herself before :-)



Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 21/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Ali
Thanks, that has really helped and made me feel lot more relaxed. Hopefully next year I will be that more experienced in hibernation that it will run smoothly, I guess my biggest teacher is Molly herself!!!
Thanks again, will let you know how we go on
JaneClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 25/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Guys
Well we are coming to the end of Molly's 3rd week and still no poo's, so do I continue with the final winddown next week or keep her going another week? Has anyone else ever had this problem?


Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 25/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

I would go ahead with the hiberation as normal.


Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 25/11/2009 by tortoise7

Thanks again Ali, I just had the final jitters, but no hesitation now


Re: Still no poo's
Posted: 28/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Guys
Just thought I would share my good news!!! Molly poo'd and passed urates this morning, right on the last day of her 3rd week winddown, so we are on que now for her final week of cool down at least. I won't be so worried next year now I know how Molly plans her hibernation. I feel so relieved and am now ready to get her cooled down for the fridge at the end of next next.  I have forgotten my nerves, I am just happy to let her have a nice sleep now without me interfering with her. She only has a couple of baths to go next week and then she can just relax, Oh how I wish I could sleep for 3 months ahhhhhhh
I am really dithering whether to hibernate Keya this year or leave her until she is older and her weights more stable. At the moment I am finding it so hard to keep her growth under control,  her weight is (0.1926) which is a bit too low to begin with for hibernation (Winddown and loss of weight) but highish for normal range Urghhhhh always something to get myself stressed about Click and drag me down to the editor I will see how I feel once I have Molly sorted.
Have a good week-end everyone
Jane, Keya & Molly


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