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extend 2nd wk?
Posted: 15/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Guys
Well just when I thought I had everything under control!!!! Molly is going in to her 3rd wk of hibernation and she has not done a poo since the first couple of days into the winddown, she is weeing and has passed urates. Now my dilemna is that by this week I should be really dropping the temps but I don't feel I can whilst she has not emptied her stomach, I know she has food in there because she was eating for England before I started the winddown. So do I extend this 2nd week which will push us into 5wk winddown or shall I just let her winddown?
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: extend 2nd wk?
Posted: 15/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

I'd be inclined to keep up with the heat for a few dayslonger and bathe her more regularly to ensure her gut is empty.




Re: extend 2nd wk?
Posted: 15/11/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Darren

Thanks, you confirmed my way of thinking



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