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Urgent - Hibernating???
Posted: 15/11/2009 by BurrWood

Hi All
I have had my two Horsefields for approx 4 months. They have been in an indoor vivarium, whilst are were preparing a tortie table for them, inside. One is approx 3-4 years old, and the other 1-2 years. I was hoping to move them to the tortoe table this weekend, however, over the last 3 weeks I noticed the larger one reducing its food intake. Now she spends all her time asleep. She stirs slightly when I put new weeds in sometimes, maybe opens one eye, but isn't bothering to eat at all. I am wondering whether she is trying to go into hibernation? I was hoping to not hibernate them this year, as I have not had them long enough to get to know them, and feed them a healthy diet. Is there any way to stop her from hibernating, if this is what she is doing? The younger one is still whizzing around, and shows no sign of winding down at all?? Could it be something other than hibernation? They haven't been left in the cold to induce a hibernation, they have been indoors all the time, under their heat/uv lamp.
Thanks for any help.

Re: Urgent - Hibernating???
Posted: 15/11/2009 by TPGDarren



May I ask where you obtained your tortoises please?




Re: Urgent - Hibernating???
Posted: 15/11/2009 by BurrWood

Unfortunately they were from pet shop - not where I personally would have bought them from, but they were a present, so by the time we were suprised with them, by my mother, it was too late.  I know ideally they should be purchased from a breeder, but they were not an impulse buy, as we had been researching their care for a while, and had waited until this summer just gone to enquire on purchasing, as we felt we were ready for them.

Re: Urgent - Hibernating???
Posted: 16/11/2009 by TPGDarren


We always recommend pet shop tortoises have their stool smaples checked for worms as they are extremely common in imported tortoises.

It's very difficult to say what it might be, may I ask what the temps are in the cool end of the viv and under the basking light please?



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