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pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by winnie

I went in to a pet shop today to buy some extra thermometers. I new they were selling torts and couldn't resist having a look, big mistake!. They had about 5-6 Horsfields for sale, one was about the size of my Queenie who is a 6+ year old female and I'm guessing it was a male as it was bobbing it's head up and down when it was on top of one of the others, it was also being very agressive to the one it was on top of trying to bite it's head and then going for the legs when the other pulled it's little head in. All the others were only the size of small crab apples. They had no food and don't think water had been put in for a while as the water bowl was full of hemp and bone dry. You can understand why some people buy from pet shops, they feel so much pity for them (not just torts) that they just want to get them out. I'm not to sure if I can give the name and location of shop so will leave it at that for now but I think a call to the right people may be required.

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

Please pm me the name and address of the shop.

We have a database of many shops and where applicable we do get various bodies involved in checking them out.

They're in vivariums I take it?:-)


Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by winnie

Yes, they're under the snakes. Do you want me to give you the name and address on here?

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

Please mail me the details:-

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by winnie

Will try. Not to good at this e.mail stuff. Would rather lick a stamp!!

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by winnie

Hi Darren, did you get e-mail ?

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 14/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Yes Thanks Winnie:-)

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 18/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

I went to my local Pet shop yesterday to pick up some bits for my new arrival, whilst I was up there I thought I'd look at their Hermanns. They were gone and the viv was empty and dark. I asked the member of staff where they had gone. He very quickly told me that all branches has removed their Tortoises and starter kits as there was an issue with keeping the temperature correct. Aparently too cold! Mmmm...I was quite pleased that they had stopped selling them. I think there was more to it then that, but thats me being suspicious:)... I'm not too sure on how many branches there are in the uk but I think theres quite a few. So thats good to hear they have stopped selling, not sure though how long.Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 18/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Claire,

That's interesting.
Would you please pm me with the name of the pet shop. We have written to quite a few and a few are being looked into.


Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 19/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

Hi Darren

Did you receive my reply regarding the pet store I was referring to?


Re: pet shop upset
Posted: 19/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Yes Thank You:-)

We took our children and their other halves out last night - so just catching up now before I go back to work:-)

We're contacting Pets At Home again as we've finally received correspondence from them.



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