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Last week of wind down and confused
Posted: 09/11/2009 by Row


Another question I'm so so sorry but just want to get everything right for my 1st hibernation.  I'm confused , I'm in the last week of wind down and I am following your wind down procedure.  On the last week amd I meant to put them in a room which is no hotter than 10c or is this just for the last couple of days in a cool room and the other few days before with  no heat say at normal room temp???

Am I making sense???? Click and drag me down to the editor

What I mean is (can you tell I'm worried sick!) last 5 days of wind down 3 days at norm room temp no basking light  and then 2 days of cool room of no hotter than 10c then fridge.


last 5 days all in a cool room no hotter than 10c

Or are neither of teh above right????!!!

So glad you are here I don't know what I'd do withyout you!

Thanks Row Tet and Twig x

Re: Last week of wind down and confused
Posted: 09/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Row,

Firstly please stop stressing, its really not that bad Click and drag me down to the editor I think you are probably trying a bit too hard but thats normal, i was the same. You dont really have to put them in a cool room if they are settling where they are, just keep the light and heat off. The best time to transfer into the fridge is the evening when the temps are at their lowest.


Re: Last week of wind down and confused
Posted: 12/11/2009 by Row

Hi Ali,

I really am trying to be calm realy didn't think that I would be this nervous!!!! I thinkk once I 've done it I'll be better.

Also wanted to say thank you, to all you really are amzing with your advsie.


Row, Tet and Twig

Re: Last week of wind down and confused
Posted: 13/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Row,

You are welcome and remember we are always here to advise :-) My boys are due to go in the fridge tonight and ive got them boxed up outside the backdoor as its stopped raining here at last, once they have settled i will put them in the fridge.


Re: Last week of wind down and confused
Posted: 14/11/2009 by Row


Hope it's all gone well?

Mine are now in the downstairs loo which is really cool but Tetley still poking his head out to have a nose!! Then they're being boxed up tomorrow evening to be put in the fridge.

I've cleaned their table out today and was quite sad  to see it all empty, no soil, no nothing and especially no Tetley and Twiglet Click and drag me down to the editor.......

It's going to be really strange not having them around for a couple of months, really am going to miss them!!!

Oh well good luck everyone.

Row x

Re: Last week of wind down and confused
Posted: 15/11/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Row,

Good luck with them going in the fridge, mine went in on friday.



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