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My babies
Posted: 03/11/2009 by malcolm

Just up loaded my Babies photographs to the members gallery .

Here is the link hope it works




Re: My babies
Posted: 03/11/2009 by TPGDarren

They're lovely Malcolm:-)

How old are they?

Re: My babies
Posted: 03/11/2009 by malcolm

They are now 6 months old the one with the extra leg is doing great the most active out of all of them the first to wake in the morning and roam around the table waiting for food and the last to bed down for the night all are adored by the family and are now used to being handled.   

Re: My babies
Posted: 03/11/2009 by TPGDarren

LOL - of course:-)

Glad she's doing fine. They do look really well:-)

Very Best Regards

Re: My babies
Posted: 03/11/2009 by Ozric

Malcolm they do look lovely you must be delighted to have them!


Re: My babies
Posted: 04/11/2009 by malcolm

Thanks Jonathan

Highlight of our year was when we went to collect them and the year has just got better and better.

Starting in a couple of weeks in preperation for next summer a outdoor garden for them also another garden with a view to adopting a couple of waifs and strays we are all fascinated by them and there antics we do have one, the one with the extra leg who does like to climb and bathe she can be quite naughty at times especially when she climbs over her siblings and as for food if we let her she would eat everthing in sight for that reason I keep a eye out for her at feeding times to make sure she is not getting to much she is a real character.

Re: My babies
Posted: 15/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

Hi Oooo they are adorable, I bet you absolutely love them! I know when I collect my Horsfield, Teddy. I will be totally besotted with him.


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