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Tortoise dust
Posted: 24/10/2009 by kerryjcarl

Hi, I  have been sprinkling tortoise dust on my torties food every day since I got them, however I have started to notice that other people use different things, like limestone four, cricket dust etc, what is the best thing to use? they are hermanns and I suspect one has mbd.


Re: Tortoise dust
Posted: 24/10/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Kerry,

Most torty keepers use neutrobal 3/4 days then limestone flour on the other days.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Tortoise dust
Posted: 25/10/2009 by kerryjcarl

Thanks :)

Re: Tortoise dust
Posted: 23/11/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hi, I have a baby, nearly 4 months. How much limestone flour and Nutrabol do you sprinkle on food? On one of the packets it states a certain amount per kg.

Re: Tortoise dust
Posted: 23/11/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Claire, yes you must follow the manufacturers instructions.  We advise for Nutrobal a tiny pinch and the limestone flour can be liberally sprinkled on the food.



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