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ready to hibernate?
Posted: 22/10/2009 by winnie

Is now the right time to start the hibernation wind down. I have a 6+ year old Horsfield and I think she has started her own wind down. She's stopped eating and she just seems to be sleeping all the time. Sorry to pester but never had to do this before and am desperate to make sure I'm doing things right. She has already started losing weight, she was 358g but since she's stopped eating she's lost about 5g and I'm not sure what weight she needs to be for her winter sleep. I've read the info on the tortoise re: hibernation and the wind down but it doesn't mention weights or when to start or have I missed this. I'm really starting to panic. I know I've put this post on the part for care and health of tortoises but I think maybe I put it in the wrong section.

Re: ready to hibernate?
Posted: 22/10/2009 by kohimagirl

Yes, stop feeding her and start the daily Spur Thigh Ibera has been in hibernation in the garage now for a week cooling right down before going in the shed's worrying I know, I miss her, but it's natural so get started and get her off to sleep for the winter.


Re: ready to hibernate?
Posted: 22/10/2009 by trudytort


There is info about weights if you click on ''the tortoise''. I'm hibernating mine for the first time this's scary!!!

SaraClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: ready to hibernate?
Posted: 22/10/2009 by winnie

You're tellin' me. I'm terrified that I won't have a tortie when it comes to the time to wake her up but I suppose everybody fears this, even those who have hibernated before!

Re: ready to hibernate?
Posted: 24/10/2009 by TPGDarren



It honestly does get much easier the more you do it Click and drag me down to the editor





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