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What is my choice of places to Hibernate a Tortoise
Posted: 11/10/2009 by Pauline1976

 I have two tortoises both a little over  a year old, they have fed well this year and have grown nicely.  I didn't hibernate them last year mainly because they were so little and I was afraid I might lose them (the first time I have kept tortoises).  I would like to hibernate them this year but do not have the luxury of a fridge to put them in.  I have a brick built shed although this is joined to the house and is in constant use (and damp).  I also have a wooden shed with a concrete floor, is there anyway that I could use either of these to hibernate my two tortoises.  They are spur thighed tortoises. I am wondering if I had some protection for them in the wooden shed and a nice polystyrene box would this be adequate.  I have an old tin trunk which would be protection against predators.  The only other option I can think of is to invest in a smallish fridge or to do what I did last year and keep them awake.  It was not too much of a problem last year as they were so tiny and just about kept the food going, this year they are eating an awful lot more.  I guess that you will say the the brick built one is probably not suitable as they would definately be disturbed.  but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Re: What is my choice of places to Hibernate a Tortoise
Posted: 11/10/2009 by kohimagirl

Hi Pauline,

I am winding down my spur thigh girl Annabel ready for hibernation and I am using a shed. She will be in a box, in another box, then in a rabbit hutch....just in case of any rats......and checked every few days.

My shed is brick built......not especially damp as the roof is only a year old.

I have followed the wind down for a week so far, and it's always scary and worrying, but it is the natural thing for them.

Hope all goes well, which I am sure it will.


Re: What is my choice of places to Hibernate a Tortoise
Posted: 15/10/2009 by Pauline1976

Hi K Many thanks for your response.  My two seem to be naturally winding down, they are eating less and seem to sleep more during the day.  Even their water intake seems to have slowed down. If I hibernate them in the brick shed will it matter if it is in use.  I have a large old tin trunk which is rat proof and had thought of putting them in a large polystyrene box for protection from too much cold inside the trunk.  What do you think.

Regards Pauline

Re: What is my choice of places to Hibernate a Tortoise
Posted: 16/10/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Pauline,

That sounds absolutely fine to me. It's a good idea to use a max/min thermometer to check the temps over as large a period of time as possible, before adding the tortoises.

Please let us know how you get on



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