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Posted: 09/10/2009 by turbox

Click and drag me down to the editorhelp im struggling to find what i can feed my little horsfield on you read so much diff things weeds in our garden almost non excistent she likes pansies but limit them giving dandilion leaves but feel she should be more varied any sugestions what i can give that is safe we have got weed seeds in but not doing too well at mo Click and drag me down to the editor.



Re: food
Posted: 09/10/2009 by kerryjcarl

There are loads of nettles, still around, in back alleys, parks, verges etc, or try growing your own, am growing tladys weed seeds in earthenware dishes and keeping the dishes on the sunniest windowsill at the mo, they have grown in a matter of days!

Re: food
Posted: 09/10/2009 by kerryjcarl

If your weed seeds are not doing well, make sure they are in poor soil in a sunny position, or even try putting the dishes under the torties heat lamp for a few hours it might help, make sure the dish is heatproof though.  Hope this helps


Re: food
Posted: 10/10/2009 by Helen_S

There is still lots of stuff around but perhaps not as plentiful as it was last month.  Dandelions are still around, as is broad and narrow leaf plantain, smooth and prickly sowthistle, pansies, rose petals, lavatera leaves and flowers, hardy geranium, fuscia flowers, chmallow, ickweed, and bittercress to name but a few.  If you get really stuck Kim then if you buy a pack of Floretti Crispy salad everything in there is ok, but only buy if you really can't find weeds as they are much better than salad stuff.


Helen    Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: food
Posted: 10/10/2009 by turbox

Click and drag me down to the editorthanks for all your replys this has helped ,

kimClick and drag me down to the editor


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