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day54 for eggs Posted: 28/09/2009 by cath |
Candled my Hermann egg tonight day 54 there seems to be about a third of the top of egg that looks to be clear and has a dark area at the side and towards the bottom, is this normal at this stage ? temp have been a bit up and down between 28.5' / 31.5' beginning to worry cant see any movement or much change in appearance, how long at these temp would it be about before hatching. thanks cath, | |
Re: day54 for eggs Posted: 29/09/2009 by VivTPG |
Hi Cath, I dont keep Hermanns but I have hatched Marginateds and what you describe is normal in a developing egg, the clear part at the top is the shell (believe it or not!) and the bottom are where the limbs and egg sack are. Its probably getting a bit tight for space in the egg now so you wont see much movement. I would keep checking as it sounds as though pipping is imminent, try to keep the temps as stable as you can. Let us know when they hatch and let us see the pics. Regards Vivienne | |
Re: day54 for eggs Posted: 29/09/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Cath I think the earliest I have ever had an egg hatch was day 56, but they have gone up to nearly 70 days as well, and I have heard of eggs sucessfully hatching after that too. So you just need to be patient Good luck, and let us know how you get on Arlene TPG | |
Re: day54 for eggs Posted: 29/09/2009 by cath |
Thanks for the prompt replies, When I candle I have never picked the eggs up just shone the torch on it from above or the side, hope this was correct, oooh I'm sooo nervous cant believe there's anything there really, wont be happy until its here, this will be such a special egg, will keep you posted. Thanks again Cath | |
Re: day54 for eggs Posted: 29/09/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Cath We are keeping everything crossed for you - it is soooo exciting when you see the egg pip and the baby tort start to emerge! The way you have been candling sounds fine, I know it is really tempting, just try not to do it too often :) Keep us posted! All the best Arlene TPG | |
Re: day54 for eggs ADVICE NEEDED Posted: 01/10/2009 by cath |
Well :-) he/she is on its way out bin trying to get out since 8/30 this morning, head and front feet out having a little rest now I think before final push, WHAT do I do once he's out, so many question, do I keep him in incubator, open incubator for more air, give it some water obviously just a drip or do nothing and just watch aaaaahhhhh HELP PLEASE, xxxx cath | |
Re: day54 for eggs Posted: 01/10/2009 by VivTPG |
Hi Cath I have answered on the other thread Vivienne | |
Re: day54 for eggs Posted: 01/10/2009 by tpgAli |
How egggciting for you Cath Ali | |