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over wintering
Posted: 19/09/2009 by turbox

what is the right way to over winter if needed i read so much on hibernation but what if you want to over winter.

can anyone shine a light on this please



Re: over wintering
Posted: 19/09/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Kim, to overwinter a tort, you keep them in the same way you keep them in summer, that is on a tortoise table with perhaps a higher wattage basking bulb and uv lighting. The aim is to keep them awake and active, to be able to warm up under a basking lamp to enable them to feed on weeds.  The only difference is it will be too cold for them to go outside, although I have heard of some owners letting their torts out for a wonder on mild days.

Hope this helps, please get back to us if you want anymore information.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: over wintering
Posted: 19/09/2009 by turbox

thanks vivienne that helps not had her long she a year old and bit nervous to hibernate her this time i have noticed she goes to bed earlier than usual over past couple of weeks hiding in her plant pot is it ok to switch basking lamp off when she does this as the pot is not near the lamp and she never imerges till morning. she feeds well and is quiet active when shes up. also due you reduce the time the lamps are on in the winter months?.

many thanks


Re: over wintering
Posted: 19/09/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Kim, they are slowing down at the moment, they sense the cooler weather.  I keep my lights on from 8am til 6.  As the nights get darker this can be reduced to mimic the dark nights.  As you have not had her long you wont have a record of her weight gain etc, so best to start now, recording her length and weight in readiness for next year.

Have you posted any pics of her?

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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