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Biting Torts
Posted: 19/08/2009 by Row


Tetley and Twiglet are just loving being outside but whenever I go to their enclosure it's almost like they fight for my attention and bite each other!!!

Tetley pretty much ignores Twiglet unless there is food about and then he will bite, so I feed them in seperate areas.  Twiglet, who is the smaller of the 2, chases Tetley, mouth open if he sees him and will take a bite at his legs or will try and over take to get to his head.

No blood has been drawn so is this just territorial behavor or who's the most dominent or sexual????

I'm not sure if they are male or female but I think possibley they are 2 males. 

Just some insite into to tort behaviour please!!!


Re: Biting Torts
Posted: 19/08/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Row

Sounds like normal dominat/sexual behavior, especially if you have 2 males.  You need to keep and eye and be prepared to separate them if necessary, but in the meantime, make sure they ahve as much room as possible and that there are plenty of hiding places for the less bossy of the two

all the best

Arlene TPG

Re: Biting Torts
Posted: 19/08/2009 by Row

Thanks Arlene.  i hope that I don't have to ssplit them up as when they're relaxing together and being nice to each other they just look so adorable....

Is it normal to have 1 who just tries to over take and get to the head end of the other?


Re: Biting Torts
Posted: 20/08/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Row

They sound just like kids then!

My hermanns do this too, they try to block the way and nip the head and front legs of the other one, so yes, quite normal :)

all the best


Re: Biting Torts
Posted: 20/08/2009 by Row

Thank you glad they're normal!  And yes they arejust like kids you're right!


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