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2 weed pics for id please
Posted: 29/07/2008 by shazzler

hi all, ive put 2 pics in twiglets file could anybody please id them and tell me if they are edible

thanks in advance

sharon xxxxx

Re: 2 weed pics for id please
Posted: 29/07/2008 by vivtpgadmin

Hi Sharon, the thistle plant with purple flowers is 'Scottish thistle' this is too prickly to be fed to torts though.  I am still trying to search for the other plant, I will get back to you!


Re: 2 weed pics for id please
Posted: 29/07/2008 by shazzler

thanks vivienne xxxx

Re: 2 weed pics for id please
Posted: 29/07/2008 by tpgadmin

Hi Vivienne

The Scottish thistle, apart from the prickles, I don't think it's very toxic if you can pull it up (I don't  I prefer to leave it where it is Click and drag me down to the editor). 

The 2nd one looks like the dreaded Geum.  If left long enough it shoots tall stems with yellow flowers on top.  It is a complete nuisance and spreads everywhere.  I don't think it is toxic but I once asked about it on another forum and was told it was high in something or other and advised not to feed.  Try Googling Geum and see what you think.


Re: 2 weed pics for id please
Posted: 29/07/2008 by vivtpgadmin

Well done HelenClick and drag me down to the editor , that is the plant I had in mind, its all over my garden with the yellow flowers, and I too have heard it cant be fed to torts. I sometimes get the leaves mixed up with mallow leaves, but as the geum gets older their leaves turn a bit furrier than mallows!

And yes I agree torts can eat prickly scottish thistle, but I did read somewhere it can cause injuries to eyes and mouths with the prickles, but I think its me the coward just dont like getting stung myself!!Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: 2 weed pics for id please
Posted: 30/07/2008 by shazzler

Click and drag me down to the editor thanks ladies xxxxx



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