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What to put on the floor?
Posted: 16/08/2009 by minniechops

I am moving house and my new garden has loads of space for my two horsefields to roam around in. I have got them a small kennel type wooden home which is currently airing. It has a door which doubles as a ramp.

My question is - what should I put on the floor to make it cosy for them at night this time of year?


Re: What to put on the floor?
Posted: 17/08/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Zoe,

I would use a mixture of sand/soil for the their wooden house, put quite a bit in so they can burrow down into it, they like to dig down as this creates the right microclimate for them. I wouldnt let Horsfields have the run of the whole garden as they are great little escape artists and you will end up losing them unless you have a 100% secure garden. Mine have a large outside enclosure that is lined with chicken wire 2 foot underground to stop them digging too far down, they are renowned diggers and will easily tunnel very quickly if you are not careful.


Re: What to put on the floor?
Posted: 18/08/2009 by julietaylorf

Hi Zoe

my Horsfield has a sand/soil mix and she loves to burrow down into it which is great for her. It becomes a nightly game for me and the kids to find her but she has her favorite spots. good luck with the new enclosure

julie Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: What to put on the floor?
Posted: 19/08/2009 by Row


Just out of interest I use hemp, would you recomend changing this????



Re: What to put on the floor?
Posted: 19/08/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Row

No, we dont recomend hemp as a suitable substrate, there have been a number of reports of injuries and even fatalities caused by sharp points, either externally to the tortoise, or internally through ingestion.  A mixture of sand and soil is safe, provides a natural digging environment and allows the tortoise to thermoregulate. 

All the best

Arlene TPG


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