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Any idea's
Posted: 15/08/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Everyone

I have a problem with cats pooing in the tort enclosure, is there anything I can use to put the cats off but not Molly. I tried the bottles of water but that didn't work. I can't put mesh or anything over the area because it is part of the garden and besides I will end up living in a cage Click and drag me down to the editor
So folks any brilliant ideas?

Hope everyone is having a good week-end!
Keya is behaving herself and lazy Molly keeps coming out to graze and then disappearing in her house


Re: Any idea's
Posted: 15/08/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Jane, I cant think of anything except crop net, but as you say this will pen you in too!!

I will ask Ali if she knows of anything as she has cats herself!

Having a great weekend here, insulating and plasterboarding out new shed for them, got to do the electrics tomorrow, it looks brill.  My dad suggested renting it out to a lodger instead!! lolClick and drag me down to the editor

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Any idea's
Posted: 15/08/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Vivienne
My what a busy bee you've been! would your Dad be suggesting a lodge of the shelled kind?
Hmmm hope Ali can come up with something as this is a pain!
Thanks for responding

Re: Any idea's
Posted: 15/08/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

This is a tricky one as i keep cats myself they tend not to poo in our garden and also the neighbours cats stay away in fear of my 3 cats! I do however get lots of foxes coming in and pooing around the garden and i do a recky every morning before they are out as i have a horsfield who seems to make a beeline for it everytime and even though i have caught her eating it on many occasions and it has never seemed to do her any harm, the only thing you can do is check the enclosure regularly. Iff the cats are coming in when you are there then i suggest a hose to wet the b******s, that'll learn themClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: Any idea's
Posted: 15/08/2009 by tortoise7

Ahaha  hose pipe duty it is!!! I will let you know if it works Click and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor
I just hope I never come back as a cat!!!!!


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