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Slowed down Spur Thigh
Posted: 14/08/2009 by lmtcow

I have a 2.5 year old spur thigh (Omar) who has really slowed down in the past 48 hours. Omar is still eating and has been pooing/weeing loads, but other than that Omar is just sitting under the heat lamp. This is not normal for Omar, who runs around the house and steps in the garden for hours. Any tip/advice would be great as I am worried about the little man!


Re: Slowed down Spur Thigh
Posted: 14/08/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Laura, we have had a quite a few posts this week all saying the same that their torts are slowing down.  If he is still eating and drinking as normal and his eyes look bright and there is no problems with his breathing (bubbles etc) then it does sound as though the torts are beginning to sense that the weather is changing.  Keep a close eye on him, perhaps it might be an idea to get his poo checked for worms in readiness for the colder (hibernation) months!  and let us know how he goes.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Slowed down Spur Thigh
Posted: 14/08/2009 by lmtcow

Thanks Vivienne, Omar is such a funny little beast! As soon as I posted the above, he was running around the house trying to climb up everything. I have just brought an indoor table as Omar and myself hate the viv!!! Also I am in the process of building Omar somewhere to play outside in the garden. I'll post photos if it looks any good.

Thanks again,

Re: Slowed down Spur Thigh
Posted: 14/08/2009 by VivTPG

ooo! Yes please Laura would love to see the piccies.  So glad to hear you have bought an indoor table, infact it could have been the viv that was making him lethargic, he was probably too hot in there, you find a great difference using a table top as he will be able to move out of the heat and choose for him self what temp he wants.

What sort of outside enclosure or run are you thinking of? There are so many great ideas from our members, you can see the photos in the gallery to the left.  What foods are you feeding him, as you probably know weeds, weeds, weeds are the best!!!!

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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