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Posted: 10/08/2009 by acorn1963

i feel a bit silly but my daughter has got herself a 2 year old hermann tortoise we have read about the needs and how to look after  little shelby . i,ve been looking at the other types of tortoises you can get and i,m not even sure we have a hermann its says that hermanns dont have spurs on there back legs my has and also the size. the lady we got her from said shelby was 2 years old she had her from 3 months she is about 7 in long and her shell is a bit peaked i have enclosed a pic please help any advise would be of great help ty

Re: help
Posted: 10/08/2009 by tpgsteph

If Shelby has spurs then she won't be a Hermann. She looks as though she has quite dark skin so could possibly be an Ibera
Is it possible you could send some more close up photos of Shelby's tail area. If she is a Hermann tortoise she should have a hard, horn like tip to the end of the tail.



Re: help
Posted: 10/08/2009 by TPGDarren


Defintely not a Hermanns - she looks like a Marginated tortoise. Have you photos of her plastron (underside please?)


Re: help
Posted: 10/08/2009 by acorn1963

wats a marginated tortoise

Re: help
Posted: 11/08/2009 by VivTPG

Hi, here is a picture of two of my marginated torts (male on left)

Regards Vivienne


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