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what sex?
Posted: 08/08/2009 by julietaylorf

Hiya, would someone mind having a look at the attached photos of slow coach to see what sex he/she is please.

Many thanks

JulieClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: what sex?
Posted: 08/08/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Julie, I would say from the photos it appears to be female!!Click and drag me down to the editor

Regards Vivienne

Re: what sex?
Posted: 08/08/2009 by julietaylorf

Hi Vivienne

Thank you so much. I feel soo excited. I cant believe how excited I feel knowing that I have a little girl Click and drag me down to the editor

Thank you for making my day, week, month, year

Many thanks

Julie  Click and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: what sex?
Posted: 08/08/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Julie, I was just wondering how old she is?  If she is young, dont forget it could still be male!!! lol  But if it was mine I would say female, the males really do have longer tails with more of a slit than a puckered hole (too much info? !! lol)


Re: what sex?
Posted: 08/08/2009 by julietaylorf

Hi Vivienne

Oh no! I have just been out and painted the outdoor enclosure pink - only joking haha.  I was told she is 2 years old but not sure how reliable the info is. The hole does looked puckered though- eeeuuww lol. Do you think 2 years is old enough to tell?

Many thanks

Julie  Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: what sex?
Posted: 08/08/2009 by VivTPG

Two is still very young to be absolutely sure, best to tell when they are about 5-6 years!! So lets keep our fingers crossed and hope the tail doesnt have a massive growth spurt!! lol



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