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Outdoor House
Posted: 30/07/2009 by rachaelbrown3

Does anyone have any suggestions for products which may be suitable for an outdoor tortoise house? A wooden dog kennel type shed is what im looking for, and would like to know if anyone uses these and any products which are particularly good. It must be waterproof as I will be putting a basking lamp in there. Thanks, Rachael

Re: Outdoor House
Posted: 30/07/2009 by Ozric

Rachael I used a wooden thing last year and it didn't work well for me but I know many keepers use them.  The kennel I got was designed with a small dog in mind and has a pitched roof etc and was more or less waterproof. 

For night time this worked well and I used a ceramic heat emitter on a thermostat for colder nights. 

I was using a coldframe as well and during the day that is where the tortoises naturally went, or to the outdoors area.  During cool and wet weather I did't find the kennel that good.  Its not possible to use a combined lamp in there - although I tried to anyway!  Its just impossible to control the temperature, thermostats cannot be used.  A standard lamp for basking could be used but of course no UV.  So perhaps a basking lamp and a UV tube?  My personal view about that was that I might just as well be done with it and move the tortoises indoors then if its that bad outside. After all I've got a table with lamps etc sitting there.

Don't let me put you off though.  The other annoying thing was that I'm very tall and it was very difficult for me to get down on the ground and see what they were doing in the kennel.

I'm in Glasgow so its probably no use but if you or anyone else wants this kennel they can have it for free.  It cost £200 and was built out of exterior grade plywood and has a felted roof and would last well.

Re: Outdoor House
Posted: 01/08/2009 by Nina

Hi Rachael,

I use an outdoor rabbit hutch with a door that comes down like a ramp for going in and out but can be put up at night to lock your tort in and protect it from predators.  It's pretty much like this one (fifteenth one down on the page, called Outdoor Pethouse Outback Basic):  Sometimes the ramp is a little slippery so I tacked some roofing felt onto it to give it traction.  The top  of the hutch is hinged and lifts up for easy cleaning, etc.


Re: Outdoor House
Posted: 02/08/2009 by Laraine

Hi Rachael, Larton Livery stables in Frankby sell dog kennels of different sizes, some of our torts have one to shelter in during the day.


Re: Outdoor House
Posted: 04/08/2009 by rachaelbrown3

I have purchase on from the online store as basically, they were the cheapest i could find! It should be arriving today / tomorrow so when it is all set up i will post some photos! rachael


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