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swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

hi could anyone help me ive had my herman tortoise for 3 years now and ive never seen anything like this. his tail swelled right up nearly 3 times its size and looked pink. its also swelling right up now when he has a poo. only noticed today please help really worried

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by Vivienne

Does his tail stay swollen all the time even after his poo? 

If he is definitely male, it could be his penis 'flashing' out, I know when owners first see this happen it can cause some concern!!  If it is not this, then could you give us some more information eg what substrate he is kept on, also a photo would help.


Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

thanks, it doesnt stay swollen after his poo... and he's gone to sleep now would it of been pinkish if it was his penis? and is it normal for him to just flash it

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

thats a photo my partner took. im sorry it isnt very clear as he didnt want to pick him up incase he hurt him

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by tpgAli

Is that the sweeling between his back legs i can see? If so it looks very much like a prolapse and you need to get him to a vet ASAP.


Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

its actually his tail that had swollen like that its gone back down but still worried

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

could he of been flashing his penis

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by Vivienne

I can understand you dont want to hurt him, but it would be helpful if you could turn him over and photograph the tail.

If it was his penis, it comes out underneath and is usually dark in colour, it then retracts back in, it doesnt stay out.

As Ali says if that is the swelling we can see in the picture and it is not going down, it could be a prolapse, which will need urgent medical attention.

Where abouts are you? We have a comprehensive list of specialist tortoise vets under 'vets and health issues' see the button on the left.

Let us know how you get on ....... Vivienne

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by keza01

it has went back in but how long is safe for it to be out? im from tyne and wear will be taking him to a vets when there open but im really worried

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by tpgAli

Try not to worry. Until you can get him to a vet i suggest you put him on a newspaper substrate as this will help stop infection and anything getting inside the tail.


Re: swollen tail
Posted: 21/07/2009 by Vivienne

Hi, my geography isnt too good, but there is a vet listed on page 4 of our list in NE England called Robson & Prescott in Morpeth, they have a tortoise specialist.

Let us know how you get on

Regards Vivienne

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 25/07/2009 by Laraine

How did you get on at the vets? I hope all went well


Re: swollen tail
Posted: 05/08/2009 by keza01

hi sorry for the delay in reply, minstrel is fine now the same thing happened at the vets and it was indeed him showing himself

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 05/08/2009 by VivTPG

Glad to hear he is ok, at least you know for sure he is male!!


Re: swollen tail
Posted: 09/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

Hi Just came across your thread, Glad he is ok:) I found videos on you tube on the male "area" and boy did my eyes pop out!! Was quite scarey to see so can understand your concern. Im glad I came across this before. I have a Horsfield and am hoping he is a "she" lol...I dont know how all that sits inside a tort to be honest lol

Re: swollen tail
Posted: 09/01/2010 by Clairestortoise

At what age does a tort do this? Get their equipment out? lol


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