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Is Percy the right weight/length?
Posted: 07/07/2009 by Baybee-Bat

Hey guys :) Thanks for your help on my hermann's tail spur loss on the health forum.

I have another question....Im not sure if Percy (not sure if its a boy or girl yet as it was born in 2006 according to the certificate), but its 98mm in length, and 200g in weight at my last measurement. According to the Jacksons Ratio, its underweight, but looking at some posts on here it seems overweight. What does everyone think?

Re: Is Percy the right weight/length?
Posted: 07/07/2009 by TPGDarren


Percy's weight comes out as the ideal weight:-

200 divided by (9.8 x 9.8 x 9.8)

200 divided by 941.192

= 0.212

Please see below link:-


Kindest Regards



Re: Is Percy the right weight/length?
Posted: 08/07/2009 by Baybee-Bat

*phew* Thats a relief. Thank you :)


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