You're in > TPG Members Forum > Hibernation > confused

Posted: 05/07/2009 by spartacus

hello, ive recently been looking at getting a fridge in time for hibernation, i asked some advice at my local reptile shop and they said a fridge is fine to use but i must drill air holes in it so my torts dont suffocate, is this info correct as this pet shop has given me bad advice before so want to check im doing it right.

also my 2 hermanns are 4 and 5 years old and have never hibernated, i was going to last winter as the vet told me they were nice and healthy so to do it just for a month as it was the first time, but then the same reptile shop told me it wasnt worth doing for such a short time and would be too stressful, so i didnt, please can anyone help as im so worried and confused?



Re: confused
Posted: 05/07/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Claire,

It isn't correct at all. In hibernation a tortoises metabolism slows down dramatically; heart rate, breathing etc.

Wafting the doors a couple of times a day will be sufficient. Drilling holes will constantly permit the cold escape and your fridge will have to work harder to maintain the temperatures within - so it isn't a good idea at all. I'd aim for 8 weeks, possibly longer. Weigh the tortoises on a weekly basis to monitor the weight loss and take it from there. There will be plenty of help around on here when you want it:-)


Re: confused
Posted: 05/07/2009 by spartacus

Hi thankyou so much, this site is fantastic and has been so much help to me, i cant thank you enough, will 8 weeks not be too long for their first time? sorry but its so scary that i just want to get it right, also when do i do it, does it matter exactly which  8wk period i do it?

thanks again


Re: confused
Posted: 06/07/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Claire,

It is a very worrying time for new keepers, but it is perfectly natural for them to hibernate and a fridge offers the ideal hibernation environment. If your fridge set-up OK - 8 weeks+ should be absolutely fine, just weigh them weekly to check their weight.

There are more detailed instructions in our hibernation page:-







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