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Maisie and Joe's outdoor enclosure
Posted: 03/07/2009 by ellie2711

Now that the weather has improved i have let my two juvenile tortoises - Maisie and Joe - outside. They really enjoy it. Is there anything else i could put in to make it more fun.    Click and drag me down to the editor   .

Re: Maisie and Joe's outdoor enclosure
Posted: 03/07/2009 by tpgAli

What lovely pics of your enclosure, looks like you have put alot of effort into it. Can you please remind me what species they are?

Re: Maisie and Joe's outdoor enclosure
Posted: 04/07/2009 by tpgarlene


I have a roof ridge tile in my enclosure, the tortoises love it, they can hide under it or clamber over it as the mood takes them!

Arlene TPG

Re: Maisie and Joe's outdoor enclosure
Posted: 04/07/2009 by ellie2711

They are spur thighed tortoises and are nearly 1 year old


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