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Advice needed
Posted: 13/06/2009 by Joanne

Hello everyone,

I have a big concern with my horsfield tortoises; Ruby who is 2 years old and Lily 1 year old. I thought everything was fine between Ruby and Lily and they seemed to be getting on really well but this morning they proved me wrong. Ruby was barging around the table and Lily was sleeping under the lamp. Ruby walked past Lily and woke her up then Lily charged after Ruby and started to bob her head up and down in front of Ruby's face. She then moved away but when Ruby moved Lily was chasing her legs and trying to bite them. Ruby turned quickly and bit Lily's face! Lily was then running around backwards with her head tucked in her shell so I picked her up and tried to calm her down. I can't see any bite marks but this clearly scared Lily as she went straight back into her bed and has slept all day. When I put the tortoises back together Lily ran away and every time Ruby moved near her she was running around the table and seemed to be trying to find somewhere to hide. I had to go out so I put a partition in the table to keep them apart until I came back. When I have returned Lily was asleep in her bed and Ruby seemed calm so I have removed the divide. Both tortoises have eaten and are both active but Lily still seems very scared and is running away from Ruby every time she moves. Is this normal? Why was Lily bobbing her head? Is this a sign of dominance? Is she trying to mate? Im very worried. Do you think I should leave them to it or separate them for good? I am constantly worried that Ruby will cause Lily a serious injury and she has just shown that she is more than capable. Please help! Any advice appreciated.

Joanne xx

Re: Advice needed
Posted: 13/06/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Joanne,
I keep horsfields too so im well aware of their behaviour. I have females that mount the others and i have seen abit of head bobbing going on but i have never seen females bite the faces of others. This could be dominanace but i think you need to check the sex of Ruby? Is there any chance you could post a pic up of her tale end?
We need to establish Ruby's sex before deciding what to do for the best.


Re: Advice needed
Posted: 14/06/2009 by tpgAli

Hi again,
I forgot to mention that at the age of 1 and 2 it will be almost impossible to sex your tortoises. Sexing usually goes on size rather than age but horsfields being a smaller species can take up to 5-7 years to sex properly, i have horsfields here that are very small and some are going on 10 years and im still not 100% what sex they are.


Re: Advice needed
Posted: 14/06/2009 by Helen_S

Hi Joanne

Hope you're keeping well?  Have you increased the size of their table since you got Lily?  If not perhaps it might be time that you need to think about increasing their living area as they are starting to grow.  If the table is large enough then are you able to get them outside at all as this behaviour might just be down to frustration on Ruby's part?

Re: Advice needed
Posted: 14/06/2009 by Joanne

Hello everyone and thanks for your advice. Here is a picture of Ruby and Lily - can you please take a look and tell me what sex you think they are. Thank you, Joanne xx

P.S. Helen, I have tried to email you through hotmail but the email won't send. Have you changed your email address?


Re: Advice needed
Posted: 14/06/2009 by Joanne

Oops! That link didn't work. Here is the picture. Joanne xx

Re: Advice needed
Posted: 14/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jo,

They're looking like females to me............atm:-)


Re: Advice needed
Posted: 14/06/2009 by Helen_S

I've mailed you Joanne, but sorry to say that Ruby and Lily are much too young to sex just yet. 


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