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Posted: 10/06/2009 by winnie

I have a bit of a strange question to ask if you don't mind as it's really baffling me. For a while now I've been searching Queenies pen  for her pees and poo's as I obviously want to keep it clean but I can't find anything, nothing, zilch. There doesn't seem to be any poops around and not even any white bits from her widdles. There's no problems with her eating and I'm bathing her on a regular basis. She used to do it in her bath when I first got her but now she doesn't. Surely the saying is true, "what goes in must come out" but where is it?. I'm baffled! 

Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 10/06/2009 by tpgAli

This does sound strange as a wee would be easily spotted if it contained the white urates it should. Tortoises dont always pass white urates and can sometimes just pass water. When i feed mine i always make sure the food is sprayed with water as i know some of mine (horsfields)will not go near a water bowl unless i bath them. When they eat their food they usually pass water/urates as they are taking the water in with the food, have you tried this? Also give her a good soak when you bath her, pore water over the whole of her shell making sure she is properly covered if you are not already doing so. As for the poo's maybe she is eating them, some of mine do this.
If she is eating and appears healthy and active then it must be coming out.

Good luck

Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 10/06/2009 by winnie

Hi Ali, thanks for replying. Queenie always gets her food a little wet as I tend to rinse everything, even though I know nothing has been on it as it's out of my own garden. I did try pouring a little water over her in the bath but she wasn't keen but I'll try again if you think it may help. She's always passed urates in her wees before so I find it strange that she's not now. I think I've been done over by a horsfield, I hold my head in shame!

Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 10/06/2009 by tpgAli

Horsfields are not always keen on water and most of mine hate it, however you do need to make sure she is soaked properly when you bath her, i splash water on mine while they are sitting in the water even making sure i wet their heads too, make sure the water is a good temperature and is warm enough to encourage bowl movement also.

Horsfields are stubburn little torts so stick with it and good luck :-)


Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 10/06/2009 by winnie

Should I up her baths to every day?. She doesn't seem dehydrated but I'd never forgive myself if she was and I didn't do anything about it.

Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 10/06/2009 by tpgAli

Yes, this certainly wont hurt her.
Good luck and keep us updated.


Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 13/06/2009 by winnie

I' ve been bathing Queenie daily now and she's definately drinking coz I sit and watch her (both ends) and still I've not seen any wee wee. Is it normal for torts to wee with no urates as that's the only way I can think of that I'm missing them. I found a little poop the other day but it had been rolled up in the substrate and it didn't look like poop at first, this is the only one I've found. She's eating like a pig so there should be something surely. She's due for her monthly weigh tonight so I'll know if she's put on.

Re: baffled!!!
Posted: 13/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,

Yep - that's absolutely fine.

The chances are she may be expelling fluids whilst in the bath and you might not notice. If you watch carefully you may be able to see a tiny jet of water at the rear - this will be when she passes her fluids.



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