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Posted: 05/06/2009 by winnie

Can I just ask why does the british tortoise society say it's ok to use viv's if they're so bad. I was on thier site and they have pics of torts in vivs, some of which are on newspaper. Is it because the torts are hatchlings and juv's?

Re: vivariums
Posted: 05/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Thanks Winnie,

You're quite right. There is lots of poor advice on the BTS site. I've mailed them in the past and they said they would look at the information they were supplying.....but unfortunately no changes have been made at all. It's such a shame as the "British Tortoise Society" does sound like a group that should be aware of the very best practices in tortoise care. Unfotunately much of the advice they give, would be detremental to a tortoises health and long-term welfare.

Perhaps I'll try again:-)

Hope you're well


Re: vivariums
Posted: 05/06/2009 by winnie

Hi Darren, thanks for replying. I just find it really funny (but not as in haha) as a few years ago I was looking into getting a tort and asked the BTS what I would have to do to get a rescue tort from them (i do prefer to get rescue animals even though they tend to come with extra baggage. All my animals right down to the goldfish are all rescues which i adopted from the RSPCA). They told me that I wouldn't get anything from them if I didn't have the set up they recommended, so if I had a viv that is bad for a tort I would of been in with a chance?????

Re: vivariums
Posted: 05/06/2009 by TPGDarren

I originally wrote to the BTS because a tortoise became sick due to the use of a vivarium on the BTS's recommendation. The poor think spent most of it's time sitting in the water dish deperately trying to cool down, contracted RNS due to the stress of not being able to cool down (unable to burrow down and thermoregulate due to using newspaper) and due to the high humidity caused by the lack of air movement in a viv.

I will definitely write to them again. What is also concerning is the BTS are actually down as an advisory group for DEFRA?

I'll post their reply when/if I receive one.

Thanks for reminding me Winnie.



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