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New articles added to TPG website
Posted: 26/05/2009 by tpgNina

We've recently added another two articles to the TPG website:

The first is on The Nesting Process and you can find it under The Tortoise (in the left-hand column), and then under Captive Breeding -- or click on this link  .  It covers, amongst other things, the choice of a nest site, egg retrieval, and after care for the female tortoise.

The other article is on Setting Up for a Hatchling, and you can find it under The Tortoise (in the left-hand column), and then under Buying a Tortoise -- or click on this link:  The material covered -- preparation of enclosures, heating and lighting, substrates, diet, supplements, etc. -- will be relevant to anyone who is acquiring a tortoise, but it particularly addresses the needs of hatchlings.

We do hope you will find these useful!

Nina (TPG)


Re: New articles added to TPG website
Posted: 26/05/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Guys
That was brilliant reading about the nesting process, I have not ever come across information that actually teaches you so much about a topic in an indepth level but keeping it easy for the reader to absorb. Regarding the hatchling information, I would have loved to have read that when I was thinking of getting Keya, it would have prevented many hidden surprises that came along!!!  
Thank you TPG for keeping your members and on lookers up to date with GOOD tortoise care
TC Jane

Re: New articles added to TPG website
Posted: 26/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

That is great feed back Jane, we try to make everthing we do user friendly and I think because we are all hands on keepers makes all the difference.

Many Thanks



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